World Life Fitness Center, visited by the elite...

Harfouche & "Rampage" Jackson
Carlos Machado & "Rampage" Jackson
Harfouche & Jackson

Grandmaster Harfouche, six time hall of fame winner and founder and creator of Shorite Tai Jutsu, is considered the spiritual father of the martial arts, by the elite athletes of the world. Dr. Harfouche, seeing the need to not just father the elite, but to raise up champions of our generation from young to the mature.

Along with his wife, Dr. Robin, Harfouche has begun the World Life Fitness Center in Pensacola, Florida. This fitness center will be the largest of its kind in southeast. 

Drs. Christian & Robin, both have a passion for injecting purpose and destiny into people.  The World Life Fitness Center is an avenue to reach people of all ages and all races, body, soul and spirit.  The fitness center will not only focus on the area of mixed martial arts, but you will also find the following activities there as well:

  • Health & Nutrition Training

  • Modern Dance

  • Weight Training

  • Cardio and Exercise Equipment

  • Aerobics

  • Self Defense for Women

  • Longevity Classes for the Mature

  • Facial Yoga

World renown elite athletes will visit the facility frequently, imparting their skills to others in the form of seminars and training sessions.  Stay tuned for upcoming dates and details!


by Dr. Robin Harfouche
"Being meek, does not mean being weak..."
--Dr. Christian Harfouche


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