Whether you are a fighter, athlete, coach or teach your under-standing of purpose is crucial to your performance.  For those who aspire to greatness, purpose is the vision that fuels life's achievements. 

It is the very quality that defines our existence and reason for being.  In fact, the purpose we choose to identify with will directly determine the success we enjoy. 

Anxiety disorders such as phobias and fears have reached near epidemic proportions.  Recent studies indicate that well over 40 million Americans battle anxiety-related issues that cost more than 42 billion dollars a year!  As the search for a viable cure continues, it is my conviction that these fear-based behaviors are founded in a lack of purpose.

I believe it is important for everyone to realize that we are not on earth by chance and we each have an inherent purpose.  Once we realize this, our actions will be driven by the unshakable convictions will subsequently reside inside us.  Those who discover this resolve of purpose will also discover unknown gifts and abilities that have resided within us all along.  Those who travel this path will, of course, be confronted with fears participating.

This aggressive confrontation of fear is the antidote to failure and can be applied to any area of life.  I call it "penetrating your comfort zone" and "getting into deep waters."  It's the point where you draw the line and step over it.  It's the moment you decide to conquer the fear that has haunted you and no longer let it affect your actions.

My decades of training and research have taught me that physical health and mental well being are directly impacted by self esteem and confidence.  What we believe about ourselves is what we will ultimately achieve in life.  Those who lack understanding in this area will simply exist to exist.   Like a shot fired in the dark, their life will miss its mark.  However, an outlook on life that is filled with a positive assurance of purpose will provide opportunities to excel, inspire, encourage and educate others. 

Anxiety, fear and worry oppose both physical and mental health.  These symptoms can affect a persona's heart rate, breathing, and even the ability to think rationally.  Those who are ruled by these symptoms of fear will perform poorly in life.  Their failure will not be the result of a lack of intelligence or ability but rather an undefined purpose and unaddressed fears.  Gaining a sense of a purpose, however, will positively affect every area of your life and improve your physical health, emotional stability and peace of mind. 

Gaining a sense of purpose is your secret weapon.  This understanding will enable you to conquer your hidden enemies and perform with excellence and confidence.  Courage does not come about because of a fear of failure, but rather because of confidence in an outcome.  It is truly an example that will inspire and encourage others.  The word "impossible" and the fear that promotes it should never be allowed in our thoughts or our speech.  Purpose defines existence; existence does not define purpose.